Započeo Viorel Dolha, 13.08.2008. 10:56

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Viorel Dolha

Profesorii de etnie romana/valaha dintre Timoc si Morva (si daca la scoala nu predau in limba romana/valaha) care vor sa vina la al XXIX-lea Congres National al Profesorilor/Invatatorilor din Romania si al Profesorilor/Invatatorilor Romani de peste Hotare din 6-7 sept de la Palatul Parlamentului-din Bucuresti sa scrie la [email protected] sau sa sune la tel ++40(0)723259290 si le voi trimite invitatie.
Despre congres si Asociatia Generala a Invatatorilor din Romania aflati mai multe informatii la

The General Association of the Romanian Teachers (AGIRo) will organise the XXIXth National Congress of Teachers of Romania and Romanian Teachers Worldwide on 6-7 September 2008 at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest.  The Congress will take place under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Research and the Chamber of Deputies.  Delegates from the highest official bodies of the Romanian State, leaders of the two chambers of parliament, and the parliamentary education and foreign policy committees have already announced their presence at this event.

We have pleasure in inviting you to participate on this occasion.