Postovani Vlachs!
Lep vam je sajt. Tek toliko da se zna! o)
Mislim da sam rodjen sa druge strane ove Lepotice. No, nisam bas siguran, bilo je to davno? Nesto vise o svemu u P.S. I imam i molbu: Posaljite poruku iz P.S. svima onima koji bi mogli nesto korisno da ucine za Nas Kraj (mislim, Zavicaj). Ja se trenutno borim za spas jednog prelepog jezerceta na Fruskoj Gori. Vise o svemu ovde: ce neko tako da se bori i za Stol (kad dodje vreme), jer ljudska pohlepa nema kraja pa ce na "red" i ovaj Raj doci. Kako bi rekli nasi "preci": Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
Vade in pace, S.M.
P.S. Dear Friend,
We prepared for our friends a number of photos and a map of our Country: Eastern & Northern Serbia (Yugoslavia).
They can be viewed at: photos depict people and places from this area:
* Felix Romuliana - is a Late Antique Royal Palace from the end of the third and beginning of the fourth Century, founded by Emperor Galerius - Ad memoriam aeternam divi imperatoris Galerii Maximiani! (I'd strongly recommend visiting this place!)
* Gornjane - is typical rural and rustic place located in Eastern Serbia, relatively close to Felix Romuliana. (Recommended only for tough guys who can survive a few days without comfort.)
* Novi Sad - is a beautiful town in Northern Serbia (Vojvodina). This it the town where we live. Also, this is where the main office of our company Naftagas is based. (We would recommend everyone to visit.)
* Graffiti - are specific form of art that man uses for thousands of years to make places where he spends his time more beautiful. Novi Sad is a town of open heart where anonymous artists are freely expressing their talents and skills. Enjoy!
* The Court Gardens - the arboretum from 1848. established in Sremski Karlovci (small town near Novi Sad), as the experimental grounds of the high school students. (Inspiring place for romantic souls.)
* Sodros - is an armlet of the Danube river close to Novi Sad. Around this armlet we sometimes ride our bikes. (We recommend this place to anyone who is not too sensitive to real natural environment.)
* Fruska Gora - is a beautiful and tame mountain, and on it's slope is situated Novi Sad. In the past, several Roman emperors were born in this area, but for the Fruska Gora the most important was Cesar Probus. He was the first who introduced wine in this province. (Fruska Gora is the right place for oenophiles and hikers.) country and people who live here are kind hearted, with many local attributes, customs and different cultural backgrounds that have to be experienced in order to be understood.
S. Martinovic
G. Bogicevic
P. Trifunovic